
Change Log

Disclaimer: Content in this document may be subject to change. Material updates will be proactively communicated with the community.

🆕 Recent Whitepaper Updates

DOGAMÍ Academy Summer Post Release Update - October 2024

  • Updates: introduction, Dogamí companions, DOGAMÍ Ecosystem, NFT section (Skills, Levels, Powers, Spirit Fusion, Personalities), $DOGA Tokenomics, $DOGA Utility, Allocation & Unlock, Staking Page, DOGA Comics

  • New Pages: DOGAMÍ Universe Page, DOGAMÍ Academy, DOGAMÍ: Chow Time, $DOGA Bridge, $DOGA Shop, Claim $DOGA, DOGAMÍ Hub (shop, my collection, pet-sitting, time-limited events, marketplace, DOGAMÍ Bytes, DOGA Merch, DOGAMÍ TV, DOGAMÍ Community Councils, Partnerships

👨‍💻 Changelog

The previous Whitepaper updates have been recategorised and moved to the DOGANNEX section, here.

The DOGAMÍ Whitepaper is a living document and will continue to be updated.

Last updated